The International Politics of
Money, Finance, and
Hello dear visitor,
my name is Max Nagel, and I am an assistant professor of global and European political economy at the Brussels School of Governance. Previously, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Labor and Economy, University of Bremen, and guest researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne.
My research interests revolve around (semi-)peripheral states in the EU, Asia, and Latin America, in particular their management of globalization pressure. My current focus concerns (1) the politics of government-expert relations and (2) the national governance of financialization and international migration.
In 2022, I was awarded a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy. Previously, I received a graduate degree in Economic and Financial Sociology from Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) and an undergraduate degree in International Economics and Development from Bayreuth University (Germany). Additionally, I have held positions as a visiting scholar at the University of Warsaw, Sciences Po, Central European University, and University of Pennsylvania (USA). You can find my complete CV here.
My work appeared, among others, in the Cambridge Journal of Economics and The Pacific Review. My book The Governance of Financialization in Latin America and East Asia: Empowering Expertise was just published with the RIPE Series in Global Political Economy Series (Routledge).