More publications
From vulnerability to stability? Latin American strategies to govern financial subordination, Competition & Change, early view. Link .
The Governance of Financialization in Latin America and East Asia: Empowering Expertise, RIPE Series in Global Political Economy, Routledge. Link .
What if EU Mobility Becomes EU Emigration? Sending Countries of Migrants Between Integration and Demarcation, Journal of Common Market Studies, early view (with Christof Roos, Hanna Kieschnick, Kseniia Cherniak). Link .
Theorising the effects of EU emigration for sending countries: win-win, dependency, or agency?, East European Politics, early view (with Christof Roos, Martin Seeliger). Link .
Personenfreizügigkeit im gemeinsamen Markt und ihre Auswirkungen im Herkunftsland: Win-win- Situation oder Abhängigkeit?, Leviathan, 51(3), 396–422 (with Christof Roos, Martin Seeliger). Link .
Tilting the playing field: government strategies to bolster control over policy paths in Japan and South Korea, The Pacific Review, online first. Link.
Advancing policy frameworks to safeguard financial stability in developing and emerging economies: the case of South Korea’s management of international financial flows after 1998, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 46, Issue 5, September 2022, Pages 1141–1160. Link.
The impact of political-technocratic consensus on institutional stability and change: Monetary and financial governance in Argentina and Chile. In Yagci, M (ed.), The Political Economy of Central Banking in Emerging Economies, Pages 74-90. Routledge. Link.
Shifting frames of the expert debate: quantitative easing, international macro-finance and the potential impact of post-Keynesian scholarship. In Rochon, L-P (ed.), Finance, Growth and Inequality, Pages 235-256. Edward Elgar Publishing. Link.
The allure and pitfalls of market based finance for sustainable development: Financial sector policy and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, Brot für die Welt Analysis 80 (with Matthias Thiemann). Link